"At Turves Green Primary everyone is valued and included. Pupils say that their school ‘is a special place because no one is an outsider, and no one is left out’. Pupils, parents and staff agree this is a school that is getting better every day."

No Outsiders

At Turves Green Primary School, we believe in the importance of equality and everybody having the same opportunities. This is modelled by our staff and taught through lessons and other experiences both discretely and explicitly. One of the subjects that this is taught through is the subject of Personal Development (PD).

As part of our PD curriculum, we follow a scheme called No Outsiders. This scheme was created by Andrew Moffat MBE, who was nominated for the Global Teacher Prize in 2018-19. No Outsiders is a scheme that was introduced to Governors and parents at our school in 2019/2020 and it involves the use of story books to teach about seven of the protected characteristics of the Equality Act 2010. These include:

* age;

* disability;

* gender reassignment;

* race;

* religion or belief;

* gender;

* sexual orientation. 

For further information please on No Outsiders see the attached No Outsiders Guide

For further information please on No Outsiders reading material see the attached book list

No Outsiders Parental Inspire Sessions


KS1 - Same But Different Too

KS2 - Here We Are