"Exciting assemblies and creative opportunities enthuse the pupils and help to broaden their outlook on life. Pupils work hard to support each other."

Year 5 Spring 1 Week 3

Year 5 have been recapping prior "plants" learning from Year 4 and building on additional vocabulary. This week, they dissected a flower in order to identify the different reproductive parts. In pairs, they were able to add labels explaining the purpose and function of each part of the pollination and fertilisation process.

Of course, this links very nicely to our theme this term, which is "Rainforest". In reading lessons, we have been discussing the relationship between a Chilean boy and his father, and the attitudes of the people in their lives toward the indigenous tribe. Through geography lessons, they've been able to learn more about the country of Chile, and the continent of South America as a whole.

Next week, the children will begin their independent writing - a description of a rainforest scene. Already this term, they have generated similes and metaphors to create a vivid image in their readers' minds. In addition, they've had a strong focus on the variety of fronted adverbials they can use to add detail and interest (these are just ways to open a sentence!). We look forward to sharing their writing, and Rousseau inspired artwork, in the coming weeks.

Please check your child's bag for a letter coming home tonight. We are inviting you to attend a maths "lesson" with us on Thursday 8th February.

Questions to ask the week:

*What do the letters in "ispace" stand for?

*How would you subtract 1/9 from 2/3?

*Use these words to create a descriptive sentence of a woodland: swaying, vines, arms, vibrant

*What made you think Neftali and his father had a poor relationship?

*When Neftali admitted he liked the shop signs created for the Mapuche tribes, what did this tell us about him?